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3rd European Yoga Congress - 2018, UNESCO, Paris, France
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3rd European Yoga Congress - 2018, UNESCO, Paris, France
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3rd European Yoga Congress - 2018, UNESCO, Paris, France
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3rd European Yoga Congress - 2018, UNESCO, Paris, France
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Solemn Closing Ceremony of the 2nd European Yoga Congress - 2016 - European Parliament in Brussels
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Solemn Closing Ceremony of the 2nd European Yoga Congress - 2016 - European Parliament in Brussels
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2nd European Yoga Congress - 2016 - Radhadesh, Belgium - Closing
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2nd European Yoga Congress - 2016 - Radhadesh, Belgium
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2nd European Yoga Congress - 2016 - Radhadesh, Belgium - Meditation by H.H. Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája
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2nd European Yoga Congress - 2016 - Radhadesh, Belgium - Mahá Sádhaná
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1st European Yoga Congress - Fondation of the European Yoga Confederation
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1st European Yoga Congress - Lecture by Guru Jí
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1st European Yoga Congress - Mahá Sádhaná
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1st European Yoga Congress - Closing Ceremony