YOGA Sámkhya Bhakti Shakta(i) - It is the OUTRIGHT YOGA – Applied Philosophy. Primordial Traditional, (when there was only one Yoga), when Yoga was called Sámkhya, of Dravidian roots (> 7,000 years old) and Proto Arian. Technical and Naturalist (Matrilineal – Fraternal, non-repressive, sensorial).
The most Powerful Method of Human Development, complete, the Wisest and most ancient on the Planet
Its practice takes place. in an ÁSHRAMA – the Philosophic TEMPLE of inner self-Development – with external reflexes.
Involves the body, energy, the emotions (positive), the concrete mind, elevated-abstract / artistic and the Supra Cognitive Mind (Overmind).
It proposes:
1 – To Develop the Human Being in an Exceptional way in all his positive aspects, always in Harmony, keeping him in his natural
state, Healthy and Happy, with a solid base of Self Demand, anti- deformed ego, and Fraternal, where the Path must always
be in tune with the great End, to
2 – Reach the Samádhi (Enlightenment) – Human and Cosmic Intellective Supreme Consciousness (of the Keivalya Mukta).
The Mahá Sádhaná whith all its Fourteen Technical Disciplines of Yoga – made in one Class, with 14 Anga or parts:
1. Dhyána/Samyama (Samádhi) – Meditation / until Enlightenment, through the control of the brain waves frequency;
2. Pránáyáma - Energetic and neuro-vegetative breathing exercises;
3. Ásana - Psycho-bio-physical positions;
4. Yoganidrá - Physical, emotional and mental relaxation techniques;
5. Kriyá - Organic cleansing and strengthening;
6. Mantra - Domain of sounds, of vibration and Harmony; Kírtana - Extrovert sounds;
7. Jápa Tala - Rythmic concentrative Sounds;
8. Jápa Shesha - Continuous and Elevating Sounds;
9. Bandha - Muscular and neuro-endocrinal dynamizations;
10. Yantra - concentrative Symbols with psychosomatic effect;
11. Pújá - Energetic Repayment;
12. Mudrá - Reflexive and energetic Gestures made with the hands;
13. Nyása – Energetic Touch and Psychic Projection (Káma Mana / Vijñána – of the Source Hiranya Garbha).
14. Mánasika - Mentalization, will strengthening and projection of the conscience.
Which are sorted in a Wise and reserved manner. The Gr. Master is the Center of the Yoga Practice.
It is still taught:
SÁMKHYA - Wisdom (reason, number) - Yoga’s Mother Philosophy, Cosmogenic and Anthropogenic - key to Yoga.
And six Secondary Disciplines (in a total of 20): Yama / Nyama - individual structure, of self-demand, of “Service”, working the ego, and Fraternal, according to Patãnjali; learning from the 1st Master – Ádi Guru – Lord Shiva.
Sat Sanga - advanced group practices, for personal improvement, with Mantra and Meditation;
Sat Chakra – advanced group practices, for Positive Influence in a collective manner, and Human Development;
The Chakra, History of Yoga, Sháshtra, Grand Masters, Samskrta (Sanskrit), Mauna, Nutrition and Shákti/a.
It has 14 Types of Orthodox Sádhaná - Grand Practices, and 10 Variants (in a total of 24), graduated from the Beginner level, to the Highly Strong Practices for Masters and Grand Masters. The Ánanda Shánti (Ás).
Living with the Best of Yourself. Human Fraternity. Universal Work.
PROFESSIONAL TRAINING - SPECIAL SUPERIOR YOGA DEGREE – CESYO with WORLDWIDE EXCELLENCENCE – the most complete - Technical and Philosophical; Time of Training: Instructors (Level C) in 6 years – 6.500 effective hours of training; Professors (+ 4 years) in a total of 10 years; Masters (+ 4 years in a total of 14 years.
Yoga means to join (or to bind), from the root Yuj – it’s read Yudj = yoke.
Extracted from the Special Superior Yoga Degree - CESYO, of the Yoga Sámkhya Institute, and the Yoga Portuguese
Orientation and Supervision: H.H. Sat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája – International Yoga Gr. Master